Whitewater Cunt-Immunity Church

Whitewater Community Church has been instrumental in trying to invert God’s patriarchal design for my home by empowering my wife to defy my authority while disempowering me as a husband, God’s ordained head for the home.  They practice Feminism and are completely ashamed of God’s word and how God prescribes patriarchy instead.  God is, in fact, a Father turning power over to his Son, a Holy patriarchal kingdom.  I was referred by a cousin to Whitewater Community Churches former pastor Jared Verwiel when Pam was planning to move out.  During our first meeting Pam kept threatening to walk out of the meeting if things didn’t go how she directed, and so she immediately took control from Jared Verwiel in that way.  Jared did however tell Pam not to move out.  But of course she defied God, me, and the pastor, and moved out with the help of others in the church.  Jared gave us each a section out of a book he intended to counsel us from and asked us to read it.  Part of what it said was that that the Bible was not good for overcoming strongholds built up in marriage, but that the author’s book was much better than God’s for that.  LOL  I shared some scripture to the contrary with Jared (2 Corinthians 10:4-5, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Isaiah 55:8-11, and Etc.) and asked Jared if he could counsel us directly from God’s word.  Jared refused.  I ask you, who would want marriage counselling to be done from some other book than God’s?  Would God want that, or would Satan like to keep God’s word from being applied to marriages?  Who was Jared working for?

It had already become clear that Jared was unwilling to just ask my wife to submit and quit her rebellion, Like Pastor Bill Riffee had earlier done so successfully.  And He didn’t want to use the Bible which would have told her to do exactly that.  It went against his Feminism.  He also had a mental block to the possibility that there could be any problem in a marriage that wasn’t at least partly the husband’s fault. Feminism teaches that women are goddesses and incapable of sin without some man to pressure them into it.  Apparently Jared and Whitewater Community Church believe that, to the point where they can’t conceive of a foolish woman tearing her house down with her own hands like the Bible speaks of in Proverbs 14:1, or Like how Eve was the last thing created and the first thing to transgress against God when nobody had ever done anything wrong in the world before, and therefore Eve was solely at fault for her own transgression, and also then led Adam into sin.  Whitewater Community Church refused to give my wife and I Bible based counselling, I believe for a number of reasons.  Perhaps partly because their leadership didn’t know the Bible well enough to do that, but mainly because of their Feminism, they are actually ashamed of what the Bible says with regard to marriage, and don’t want it applied.

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.  23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.  24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

Later shortly after moving out, in contradiction to what the pastor had told her, Pam filed for divorce on January 5, 2018.  She then actually chose to go to Whitewater Community Church while going through our protracted divorce, just because she had clearly seen that nobody there would ever have the balls to stand up to a woman frivolously divorcing, and destroying our sons’ home.  She literally chose them as the best church from which to frivolously divorce her husband.  And I think it was a good choice on her part.  She has been absolutely right in that there are no men at her church with the balls or the knowledge of the Bible to ever ask her to follow God’s word.  They have all refused when I asked them to speak God’s truth to her.

I asked the entirety of Pam’s churches elder board, in the name of Jesus Christ, to help by performing church discipline, in accordance with Matthew 18:15-17, but those worthless elders refused stating that I should get some other church, that she isn’t going to, to perform the duty of her church.  They were just being Feminist cowards who worship women above God.  They probably don’t even know what worship or worth-ship is.  They’re likely to think worship is that repetitive effeminized “Jesus is my boyfriend” praise music that they sing.  When in reality worth-ship is what you do, whom you serve, and how you serve them.  Who is worth serving?  With Whitewater Community Church they will serve women rather than God.  They will offend God, rather than offend a woman.   If God’s word says that God hates divorce(Malachi 2:16) but a woman wants one for whatever reason, Whitewater Community Church takes her side against God.  Because she is their goddess, whom they give the worth-ship to be followed instead of God Most High.  Every day in every way that church caves to Feminism, and choses to be ashamed to follow God’s word instead.(Mark 8:38)  

Ron Gallegos

I cornered one of their deacons shown above, a cousin in law of mine, Ron Gallegos and finally cajoled him into agreeing to come over to my house and talk with me about the situation.  I had hoped I might be able to make some progress with that godless church if I could just explain the situation.   LOL  Ron, like his church is unable to fathom that a woman could sin all on her own.  He is unable to imagine one of those goddesses ever sinning unprovoked by a man.  Anyhow, every time I told Ron about some awful thing my wife had done or was doing, Ron would try to come up with some way to blame it back on me.  And when I confronted him on why his church had done absolutely nothing to help, and was in fact helping her to divorce me, he made excuse after excuse after excuse.  And when I confronted him on why he was operating entirely on evil speculations against me and excuses instead of following God’s word, he confided that unfortunately “the church has no leadership”.  Of course I told Ron, “You’re a deacon, Man up!  You are part of the leadership of that church.”  Anyhow, Their elder board seems to be operated like a musical chairs game, and they haven’t been able to keep a pastor, so their church has apparently lacked leadership for a long time, and isn’t likely to show any real leadership considering the worthless character of the emasculated cowards they continually rotate through as their elders and deacons now.  Anyhow Ron told me that he wouldn’t tell my wife to get back with me because I swore.  And to Ron that showed “I was out of control”.  Apparently they don’t believe 1 Peter 3:1-2.  He then went on later to describe how if his daughter got married and her husband ever swore at her, he would go over and beat him up.  I asked Ron, wouldn’t you want to first find out from him what your daughter had done to make him curse at her?  Ron maintained there was no reason he should ever do that, so he wouldn’t even ask.  LOL  Again Ron is assuming women are always innocent, and men are always guilty.  I then pointed out to Ron that he would be usurping the son in law’s headship in his home, and becoming a brawler, all because he was worshipping his own daughter above God’s word and assuming she could never be at fault for driving her husband to curse at her.  Anyhow, the next thing I knew Ron was screaming and cursing the F-word out repeatedly as loud as he could at me, and I was not sure what was his purpose.  At first I assumed he was trying to give me some object lesson about cursing, but as he settled down and we talked further, I came to realize that Ron had just lost his temper and gone to cursing the F-word at the top of his lungs.  And this after claiming he wouldn’t ask my wife to go back to me because I had cursed.  Apparently God allowed Ron to prove his hypocrisy right there in front of me.  Anyhow, I’m not asking his wife, my cousin, to leave him because he cursed at me.  LOL  That would be as silly as Ron claiming he won’t ask my wife to come back because I swore.  And I pointed out to Ron that My wife has been taunting me with her unfaithfulness for 18 years straight to get me to the point of cursing, whereas he was cursing his head off after just two hours of talking to somebody who wasn’t going to be converted back to Ron’s idolatrous woman worship.  Anyhow Ron claimed to realize we needed joint marriage counselling, and that he would call my wife and tell her that per my request.  However as it turned out, Ron called my wife and talked with her for a long time, but completely forgot to mention that she should attend counselling with me, which was the only reason I had asked him to call her.  She and he both verified that he hadn’t even mentioned it.  None of the men at that church have the balls to tell a frivolously divorcing woman anything but what they want to hear!  And they will reflexively believe any slander against a husband.  My wife filed false charges against me which have been doubly disproven, but Feminism says all women are to be believed, so, as always, Whitewater Community Church will hold every lie of an unrepentant whore above the words of God.  For what its worth, I have never cursed worse than Ron did while representing his church as a deacon at my house, because if I knew of any worse words to say than the F-word, I’d have rightly used them against the homewrecking false teachers misleading that lawless church, and cheering my wife on as she selfishly destroys our sons’ home and childhoods.  


I previously forgot to mention that while I was talking to Ron I expressed that my wife had been denying me sex constantly throughout our marriage,(usually only about twice a month, or less,  after a lot of badgering, and then not at all for years) and Ron seemed to think that was fine, and her choice.  So obviously I showed Ron scripture:

1 Corinthians 7:2 But because of the danger of immorality, each husband should have sexual intimacy with his wife and each wife should have sexual intimacy with her husband. A husband has the responsibility of meeting the sexual needs of his wife, and likewise a wife to her husband. Neither the husband nor the wife have exclusive rights to their own bodies, but those rights are to be surrendered to the other. So don’t continue to refuse your spouse those rights, except perhaps by mutual agreement for a specified time so that you can both be devoted to prayer. And then you should resume your physical pleasure so that the Adversary cannot take advantage of you because of the desires of your body.

Ron claimed that to him, that passage wasn’t talking about sex.  I believe the translation I showed it to him in had some other term like “conjugal rights”.  He literally wanted to redefine God’s word in such a way that a wife’s wedding vow entitles a husband to absolutely nothing from her.  That “to have and to hold” becomes a hug, and not a Biblical statement of bodily/sexual ownership.  Ron wouldn’t accept that God’s word tells married people that they have a duty to provide their mate with sex, which prevents temptation.   His Feminism has overwhelmed his belief in God’s word.  And unfortunately he is the head of their “small groups” ministry.  So I don’t doubt they teach wives that they are free to deny their husbands sex, based upon their feelings.  Which then enables wives to invert the headship in their homes, controlling their husbands through the extended denial of sex, used to punish him whenever she disapproves of his leading, until he complies with her feelings.   Ron claimed wives have license to deny their husbands sex whenever they feel like not having sex.   They literally think it is OK for women to be sexually immoral by selfishly denying their husbands sex.  We should remember that denial of sex is a longstanding condition for divorce, back from before Feminists pushed for No-Fault divorces, because, back when we once claimed to be a Christian nation, our forefathers knew that refusing to perform ones marital duty by denying your mate sex was a forbidden act of sexual immorality, and an intentional breaking of the marriage covenant.

Men, don’t go to this homewrecking apostate church.  They will encourage your wife that it is OK for her to cut you off from sex whenever she doesn’t approve of your headship.  Your marriage and sex life will likely be decimated by this Satanic Feminist false doctrine of theirs, if it hasn’t been already.

My Marriage


First I’d like to tell you a bit about my troubled marriage, before I go into all the specifics of how Whitewater Community Church has been instrumental in instigating and encouraging my wife’s ongoing divorce and the destruction of my two sons’ home.

I met my wife via a Christian internet dating site. I flew out to Pennsylvania to meet her. I had saved myself a virgin mainly because of my fear of God and perhaps out of respect for my future wife. When I asked her about her sexual past she cried and begged me to forgive her. She claimed she had sex with quite a number of people, both oral sex and vaginal sex, but she claimed that was all before she had gotten “saved” a couple years prior, and that since then she had not been having sex. She claimed through tears and sobs(she really put on a show) that she wished she had saved all the oral and vaginal sex for me, Yada, yada, yada. And being young and foolish, I not only forgave her, but I foolishly kept on dating her, and was pretty much believing her story, even though she seemed a little bit uncertain and unforthcoming about her exact number of sex partners, just giving me a ballpark figure, as though she had actually lost count. I probably missed a couple red flags, her family being the biggest one. They make the people on the Jerry Springer show seem wholesome and well adjusted. However Pam indicated her willingness to leave all their drama and never ending dysfunction behind her and lead a Christ following life. And again I foolishly believed her. Our dating went well, she seemed to really want to have sex with me, and she seemed to be somebody I would want to enjoy my life with.

A day or two before our wedding, she started becoming noticeably cold towards me, but I just figured it was all the stress and pre-wedding jitters. I was really shocked however after the wedding when we were driving to the honeymoon suite when she tried to talk me into not having sex that night. Even though it was quite early, she indicated that the day was so special, that she just wanted to keep it that way. Apparently by denying sex to her new husband! Just a few hours after the above photo was taken, she was trying to refuse me sex on my wedding night, and not for any reasonable reason. She told me some friends of hers had skipped having sex after their wedding trying to convince me that it was a good idea, but I told her that was just sad that they didn’t even care to have sex on their wedding night. After finally convincing Pam to have sex on our wedding night, she frittered and then said, well lets just get to it. I said “What about some foreplay?” and she said, “No, lets just get to it”. Throughout the sex she asked me not to talk and seemed to be in a race to get it over with, and the moment it was over she jumped out of the bed. I grabbed a hold of her hand and asked if she couldn’t stay in the bed with me and cuddle for a bit, but she jerked her arm away and explained that she needed to repack our suitcase. So on my wedding night I had to cajole her just to get a quickie with no foreplay and no contact afterwards. The suitcase was the only thing in the room we owned, and Pam had already packed it obsessively well. There was no need for it to be repacked.

On about the fifth day of our honeymoon Pam suddenly announced she thought her period was starting, and that we would not be having sex for a couple weeks until it was over. I said “Well I’m excited to get the first blow-job of my life”, to which Pam got an evil smirk on her face and told me that even though she had been happy to do that for a lot of other men, she felt it would be demeaning to do that for her husband. I reminded her that she had claimed that she had wished she had saved that all for me, and she responded by explaining to me that she did that for all those other guys because she respected them, and that she would never respect me like she had respected them. She literally said that, just like that, less than a week into our honeymoon, with an evil smirk on her face.

EZEKIEL 16:32 You unfaithful wife! You desire strangers instead of your husband.

I have never felt so betrayed in all my life. I didn’t know what to do, whether to divorce her, smack her, or wait and get her Christian counselling. Ultimately I argued with her that she shouldn’t go back on her “repentance” vow saying, she wished she had saved that for me, just to make a detestable cuckolding whore of herself. I realized then that I never should have married her, and that she had no intention of ever trying to have a functioning relationship, where she would show her husband the sort of respect she would show a stranger she sucked in a nightclub bathroom.

Within a month she was screaming in my face that she was going to be in charge or the marriage was over. Again I was at a loss for what to do. And Again I hoped I could find some good Christians to talk some godliness into this self-professed Christian woman. Six months into our marriage she had cut off most all of the sex, and she told me that one of her former lovers from Pennsylvania had said I was a bad husband. I asked her when he had said that, assuming it had been before our marriage, only for her to tell me it was when she was talking to him the previous day. I asked her when she had started talking with her previous lover, and she replied that she had never stopped talking to any of them. I told her that I didn’t want her talking to any man she had previously been attracted to. Within a year we were getting marriage counselling from Pastor Rob Morrow. Pastor Rob would tell Pam that I shouldn’t even have to ask her to knock it off with all of these other men, that “forsaking all others” was part of her marriage vow, and that she should have a desire to keep that. Pam would argue with him, and he seemed to find it incomprehensible that she would try to claim a right to such relational infidelity. Ultimately he quit counselling us and admitted that for his method to work both parties had to have a desire to honor their marriage vows, and that Pam just did not have that. He just told me goodbye and “good luck”. I felt let down that the churches basically said, sorry we can’t do anything to help. I felt they certainly should have done more and not been so quick to turn and run from my problemed marriage, as though God has no instructions or solutions for these sort of problems.

Throughout our marriage Pam intentionally volunteered and managed to always be too busy to have any time to spend with me. She also seemed to never want to resolve a conflict, but to collect and grow the conflicts until there were too many for us to have any friendship whatsoever between us, only a logistical roommate type relationship just like her parents who live on different floors of the house they share. She also went around trying to get other people to dislike me, and to validate her distaste for any closeness with me. She would portray herself as a victim and try to get others to condemn me, and then use their sympathetic statements as justification for her constantly disrespectful and intentionally hurtful behavior towards me. In 18 years of marriage I have never met a person who respected me as much after meeting my wife. Her influence has always been towards turning people against me. She has never been my advocate, since the day we married. Except for one pastoral counselling session where she had a complete personality reversal and I saw the girl I had dated again for a few hours, until she flipped back to spiteful again, the second we walked out his door. It had been a ploy, and it worked, she got what she wanted, and fooled everybody. For what its worth she refuses to share her emotions with me, except for anger, disgust, and contempt. She did not cry when her grandparents died. I have found she only cries to manipulate people. And usually she’ll cry like a baby to fool counselors, and get them on her side. I wish I had known that when she was “repenting” of all her prior lovers.

Pam flipped like a light switch when I married her. She went from being somebody I wanted to spend my whole life with, to working systematically and diligently to make me despise her, and intentionally creating fights and then refusing to ever resolve them, or even discuss them in a fair and rational conversation, without screaming over me and refusing to ever discuss how to resolve things.

Later Pam took me to Pastor Bill Riffee, who gave us the only good and helpful counselling we ever got. Pam was angry I wasn’t doing half of the dishes and laundry and claimed it was proof I wasn’t loving her enough. Pastor Bill reviewed the situation after she had explained her beef with me. “so you’re saying that, you don’t have any kids, you don’t work outside the home, you don’t garden, you don’t do yard work, you live in a brand new house that doesn’t need maintenance yet, and your husband leaves you at home alone for 10 to 12 hours a day while he works at his business, and in that time you can’t do two people’s laundry and two people’s dishes, what do you do all day?” Pam wouldn’t answer, and we all knew the answer was TV and her online affairs. Pastor Bill also broke through when Pam started arguing that she should be able to keep emailing with some former lover who was just a really great guy. Pastor Bill said, “Well if he is such a great guy that you’re willing to throw away your marriage, just to call or email him, then give me his number and email because I want to get to know him too.” Pam then grudgingly agreed to knock it off rather than turn over his contact information. Anyhow Pastor Bill completely called Pam on her refusal to do work she could easily do, on her online affairs, and we left his office with pam looking like a spanked puppy. That one effective visit, where Pam was told to quit her bad behavior, literally helped our marriage greatly, lasting for around six years, and during those six somewhat better years we had our two sons. Pam refused to ever go back to Pastor Bill again, but like always, she even blames that on me.

My wife’s public badmouthing of me seemed to go into high gear with people she thought might have some influence over me. She badmouthed me to my business’ first investor and his wife, Pam balled her eyes out and slandered me at a formal dinner we had been invited to at their house, and the angel investor ended up welching on his deal and pulling out of the project then. I was left without an income and having to fund the entire business out of savings and debt for six months until I could get new financing lined up. I didn’t let her have contact with my new investors, so she began badmouthing me to my business partners. One even begged me to get her to stop it, because it was demotivating to work for a man he believed in, and needed to believe in, and then to have my wife frequently call him and trash me. However, eventually my business partners saw an opportunity and with Pam’s help and concurrence they tried to oust me out of the business I had founded and brought them into. I told my partners not to take their power struggle to our investors to try to get them against me also, but they foolishly did, and as a result those investors got scared the business might not survive with a power struggle going on, and got in a race to see who could seize and liquidate our assets first, because there was an economic downturn affecting their own businesses, and they wanted to get cash out. We had just achieved profitability. But with the hostile liquidation my 5 Million dollars of stock became worth zero overnight. I shouldn’t have to find myself asking how large of a part did my wife’s working completely against me contribute to my complete economic destruction. If I even mention her subversive part in destroying my business she howls that I’m an irresponsible person trying to blame my own failure on her.

Needless to say, after I was financially devastated, she got extremely evil to me.  She seemingly let me walk in on her while she was looking at a dick-pic a guy had sent her on Facebook. I told her to unfriend the guy immediately, and she refused and started screaming that I had issues with jealousy, and started to hit me repeatedly. Later I found she had emailed a friend saying: My decision would be so much easier if [my husband] would just hit me. Then everyone would be telling me I need to get the boys and I out. Apparently she was actually trying to get me to hit her back, so she could claim to be abused, and run out on me. But I have never hit her, but, she ran out on me then anyhow. I also was unnerved by her constant attempts at about that same time to claim my spanking of my sons was abusive, which was a lie. I could tell she was trying to work herself up to making false charges against me and it scared me, because nobody is going to believe a mother isn’t trying to protect her kids, but is instead just a complete fool trying to destroy her own home, but that was the strange truth. She had not wanted the boys disciplined, but left underdisciplined like her and her sexually immoral sisters were. Anyhow, during this time when my wife was having multiple online affairs, receiving dick-pics and sending out swimsuit photos of herself,(or at least that is all she admitted to doing) and asking her former lovers if they still found her sexually attractive. That is when at least one homewrecking member of Whitewater Community Church began to coach my wife to lie to me, run out on me, steal my kids, and go to Pennsylvania, where the guys she was soliciting to see if they were still sexually attracted to her, all lived. Apparently one guy did say “he’d hit it” and she was gone. She even says that she met up with the guy, Dana Taggart, while she was out there. And there was some guy named Andy that she told me about also. But I’m actually more legitimately concerned about the guys whose names she didn’t offer me.

Anyhow she stayed out in Pennsylvania for 9 months, and according to my little sons told them that the reason they couldn’t see their father, was because I didn’t want to see them. And I did everything I could to get them to come back, including taking blame for all the insane dysfunction that Pam had caused, and letting her come back like a conquering hero having defeated her husband yet again. and she waved my apology letter around to “prove” she was the victim. However when they finally flew back, after being gone back to her old lovers for nine months, as soon as we had put the kids to bed, she just out of nowhere blurts out that, “Oral sex, isn’t really sex”, to which I responded that “Even Slick Willie didn’t try to get away with that lie”. But I wonder why she just made that statement out of the blue right then? Anyhow, the harder I tried to have a good relationship with Pam, the harder she tries to ruin everything, the more disrespectful and spiteful and awful she gets.

Eventually she completely halted our sex life and told me to masturbate, that she wasn’t going to be having sex with me anymore. And she told me that she wished I would just have an affair so that she could divorce me. But I didn’t, yet she still moved out and filed for divorce and falsely accused me of being a sex-addict and consequently a danger to the boys, to get them away from me, just like she was wanting to.

And again the members of Whitewater Community Church were helping her move out while I was at work, are now renting her a house to stay separated from me in, are helping her to turn my sons against me, have solicited me for sex while they know I’m not getting any, and so much more evil that I will expose to the light of truth in upcoming posts about how this church has systematically worked to always help separate my marriage while completely refusing to ever help mend it.

If there is an upside to this mess, it is that Pam’s condition, Intimacy-Anorexia, is easily treatable and Dr. Doug Weiss has about a 90% success rate at being able to save marriages affected by it. However, Pam freaked out when she researched and found out that Dr. Weiss’ Heart to Heart Counseling Center uses optional therapeutic polygraph to help restore trust, and to assure the partners of addicts that they and their children are not being needlessly exposed to Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Pam was in agreement to going for treatment, prior to finding that out.

Since we’ve been in divorce for 27 months now, and Pam has yet to participate in any joint counselling of any kind, in the best interest of the kids, as she had agreed to. And once again she is blaming that on me, even though she is the one who has lied to the counselor claiming she would be too traumatized to meet with me, when in fact she comes over to my remote rural house by herself to take stuff whenever she wants, and spent almost an hour, the typical length of a session digging through my house for stuff just this week while I was there. She has no problem talking to me, or even arguing about our issues. She just doesn’t want to talk about our issues when a trained mental health professional is facilitating who will quickly identify that she is intentionally creating the distance in our relationship because of a fear of intimacy she got from her childhood. She has an irrational fear of being flawed and is in denial of her behavioral addiction, as addicts so often are. She seemingly believes that I am entirely bad, and her dysfunctional family of origin can do no wrong.  She is lying to her church, to keep her behavioral addiction going, but the Feminist fools of Whitewater Community Church love to believe all women, and refuse to even ask her husband about his side, because they don’t care to see her reconciled to me and lose my money, that she gives to them, for approving of her sinful life of constantly returning me evil for good.

At the end of the day Whitewater Community Church refuses to follow the Bible, the leadership is mostly quite ignorant of the Bible, and even when they do know the Bible, they are ashamed of it, and preach and practice Feminism instead. They are currently helping to destroy my children’s home, and subvert my leadership of it, and I’m kin to many of these folks. Trust me, if they will attack my home and cheer on my wife’s frivolous divorce, they will encourage your wife to divorce you also. If you want to keep your family sound, keep them away from Whitewater Community Church.